Wednesday, 11 December 2013

How to Deal with Holiday Stress

Winter holiday season is the most beautiful and happiest season that we expect all year round. But with the arrival of it our life gets more complicated: searching for the perfect gifts for family members, friends, neighbors and children’s teachers, cooking and house cleaning, attending parties, choosing clothes for parties, decorating, baking, exercising, working and ….still enjoying!  Here are a few tips to ease the navigation through the whole excitement and defuse the stress:

1/ Start shopping for gifts as early as possible and spread this activity over several days.
When shopping early you get the time to think about all the gifts plus enjoy the benefits of saving money. Last minute gifts tend to be expensive and will really push your stress button.
2/ Stains on you party dress. This can be a really nerve wrecking one but you can stay in control with your plan B. Always have a second option for that great dress for the party.
3/ Headaches can be really stressful and spoil the joy! Even if busy try to keep your healthy lifestyle: exercise, breathe, laugh, eat healthy and don’t skip sleep. If the headache is a stubborn one use a natural remedy, like a few drops of pure peppermint oil and apply to the temples and the back of your neck as peppermint is well known as a pain reliever.
4/ Colds – is the season when we can easily catch a cold and nobody needs a cold when busy and in a party mood. Drink lots of liquid to stay hydrated (water, tea, soup), wash your hands regularly, dress layered, use sanitizer when hand washing is not possible.
5/ Stay merry and positive, spend some “Me Time” every day, ask for help, settle for less then perfect and you are guaranteed to have a great holiday season this year!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

What Is In Your Organic Beauty Products (3)

We will continue our journey started this past August about finding what exactly is in our organic beauty products. We already have established that natural beauty products are always a better choice so let's continue our peek inside the jar!
Eucalyptus Oil
Obtained from the leaf of Eucalyptus this natural oil's main use in the beauty industry is to create fresh and clean fragrances in products like: creams and lotions, soaps and perfumes. Eucalyptus oil is well known for his antibacterial properties and other uses includes food industry as natural flavoring agent  and medicine as respiratory tract decongestant and treatment for bronchitis.
Macadamia Oil
Obtained from nuts of macadamia this natural oil is known as an excellent moisturizer due to the content of essential fatty acids and in cosmetics is used in skin care, specially for dry and damaged skin, hair care products and nail care.
Aloe Vera
This non-toxic plant is considered a miracle plant with several health benefits. Besides the use in food, drinks and medicine is widely incorporated in skin care and hair care products. Excellent moisturizer known to restore natural skin pH balance, successfully cures different types of eczema and psoriasis, sun burns, increases skin elasticity and improves aged skin appearance.  

Real Style Organic Living invites you to try the natural and organic collection of beauty products and see the difference for yourself. Organic skin care products make a big impact on overall body health.
To shop the collection please visit: or contact us by email or phone. Organic living is happy living !

Tagged: natural skin care, organic skin care, organic cosmetics, organic facial care, organic hair care, natural products for skin, aloe vera for skin, non-toxic skin ingredients, healthy skin care.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Holiday Presents for Your Best Friend

We are very excited about the holiday season ahead as this year would be the first Christmas for Real Style Organic Living under the new management. Besides shopping, cooking, gathering with friends and family we work really hard to get our site ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday so our customers can have the most pleasant experience while shopping us.
We are very happy to announce that based on our customers' request we have added eco seasonal toys for pets and eco apparel for pets. We know that despite the long list of gifts you will not forget your pet and you will be as excited as your little- or big pet about the new seasonal toy collection. So here they are: Snowman, Rudy, Merry Bones and Ginger are ready to play and start a new friendship with your pet. Please note that these toys will be available only while supplies last. And while you are shopping for your best friend make sure to take a look at the new section of Eco Dog Apparel and choose the perfect color and size to complement the toy gift. The entire collection of colorful sweaters are made from reclaimed cotton fibers from pre-consumer table cuttings, so they are environmentally friendly, warm and cozy and you can choose from the pull-on style or the zipper style. Now, equipped with a toy and a sweater for your pet you can rest assured that your gift shopping is complete!
To enjoy the collection please visit or for any question please contact us by email: or by phone: 1-888-494-6867

Friday, 15 November 2013

The Luxurious Organic Black Dress Boutique

Have you already started the adventure of shopping for the perfect black dress for the holiday season?
Real Style Organic Living offers a variety of luxurious black dresses for every taste and most importantly are made from organic fibers so you can enjoy the holidays knowing you did good for yourself and the environment. 
Shop online Real Style Organic Living for your favorite elegant black dress and receive a free $25.00 gift certificate*. Have fun shopping and enjoy the savings !

                                              Sophisticated Jabot Black Dress 

                                                 Luxurious Dansk Black Dress                                    

                                                 Superior Elegance Black Dress

                                                    Chic Vienna Black Dress

                                                  Glamorous Petra Black Dress

As always with online shopping please make sure you take the correct measurements before ordering.
For any questions or to shop the collection please visit or contact by email: or phone: 1-888-494-6867.
*Gift Certificate promotion is available for any dress purchased on line from Real Style Organic Living from November 15 to December 10,2013 and is valid toward any future purchase of min. $75.00 (shipping taxes excluded).

Tagged: organic fashion, organic black dress, eco black dress, bamboo dress, luxurious eco dress, eco-friendly fashion, black dress, organic cotton dress

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Homemade Organic Facial Mask

Most people use blueberries for cheesecakes, ice cream, pies and other edible goodies. But since we are trying to stay away from chemical cosmetics loaded with parabens and artificial fragrances we started looking in grandma's cupboard full of great natural recipes. Here is a recipe for a natural homemade blueberry facial mask; we hope you are going to try and like it (we would love to hear how this experience went for you):

1 cup of fresh blueberries;
1/2 cup organic plain yogurt;
1 tbs. virgin coconut oil;
1 tbs. honey;
1 tbs. oatmeal for exfoliation.

In a blender mix all the above ingredients until get a smooth and creamy paste. Apply the mixture on your face with cotton balls and let it there for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and wipe your face with a soft towel. Any remaining paste you could keep it in the fridge for 5 more days.
Since blueberries are powerful antioxidants your face skin will be left smooth and velvet-like and you will have the felling you just  had one luxurious facial treatment.
Real Style Organic Living !

Tagged: organic face mask, natural face mask, organic face care, blueberry face mask.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Green Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season

Are you excited about the holiday season ahead? Have you started your shopping? Is it your list long?
Here comes the merry season of the year when everybody is looking for that perfect gift for family members, friends, neighbors, bosses and co-workers. But what are you going to get them? Maybe something special, maybe something green, something that will enhance their lives  and will give you that joy knowing you did good by offering them an eco-friendly gift and knowing that you are helping the environment too. Why not start this year gifting people around you with organic, natural and green products?
Real Style Organic Living is offering a large variety of ecological products starting with clothing for baby and children, women and men, green toys for boys and girls, green home decor for that healthy and natural ambiance in your house, natural cosmetics, a large variety of green kitchen accessories and very stylish and luxurious eco yoga apparel. Organic living doesn't have to be expensive so in order to make green products shopping affordable, some of our items has been reduced by as much as 40%, like our Ombre-Eco Relaxed Raglan Pullover- on sale now for only $35.97 or our famous Eco Yoga Pants Lounge Fit, also on sale for 35.97! Several products will have promotional prices over the next 2 months so you can enjoy an eco-friendly and organic holiday season; prices will be reduced on a daily basis for different articles and will be advertised through our social media accounts: 

Green gift suggestions for the holidays ahead:
1. Eco Toys for baby or children;
2. Organic Clothing for children;
3. Eco Clothes for women;
4. Eco Clothes for men;
5. Eco Gifts for pets;
6. Organic, all natural skin care;
7. Eco-friendly Home Decor and Kitchen   Accessories;
8. Green Sportswear.

To make sure you receive your order before the rush season we suggest to start shopping early as delivery time can take sometimes up to 2 weeks (depending on your location). At this time Real Style Organic Living is offering delivery to USA and Canada.
For more information or any question please contact us by email: or by phone: 1-888-494-6867.
Happy green shopping!

Tagged: green gifts, gift ideas, green gifts for the holidays, organic gifts, green gift ideas, natural skin care products, eco clothing, green toys, green home decor, eco kitchen accessories, green living, organic living.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Green Clothes

With every day that passes bamboo is becoming more important and present in our lives. More people orient their preferences to articles obtained from natural sources instead of chemically derived. Among natural sources bamboo is gaining more and more popularity in the modern world due to its ability to easily renew without fertilizers or pesticides and versatility. 
Bamboo clothing is no longer a novelty and manufacturers of clothes from this organic source increasingly strive to create new models and stay on top of the fashion trends, being aware of the health benefits of it on human body and our environment.
Clothing made from bamboo are very soft, easy to wear and easy to care with a luxurious appearance. More and more research indicates that clothing made from bamboo are best for people with sensitive skin.
Real Style Organic Living brings to the attention a new design of bamboo tops for women. The latest model with Panda bear embellished in rhinestones -clear, black and green, is increasing popularity among those interested in green clothing. This top is available in short and long sleeves and few colors: black, royal blue, olive grey and pink. These garments are extremely soft, breathable and anti-microbial and has no inside tags for maximum comfort. 
For more information about the benefits of organic clothing please see the article "Organic VS Anything else

Friday, 18 October 2013

What Is In Your Organic Beauty Products (2)

We will continue our journey started this past August about finding what exactly is in our organic beauty products. We already have established that natural beauty products are always a better choice so let's continue our peek inside the jar!
Coconut Oil
This is the fatty oil obtained from the kernel or meat of a coconut harvested from a coconut palm. Studies have proven that is a super food with amazing benefits for a healthy body- raises metabolism and boosts immunity and great uses also in skin and hair cosmetics: nourishing face cream, repairing leave-in hair conditioner or body moisturizer.
Silica is a water-repellent lubricant derived from sand. Silica is an essential element for the bone growth and body development. Silica is one of the biggest component of collagen-having sufficient collagen makes our skin look toned and young. Silica has been also found to stimulate hair growth, increase strength and prevent hair loss, strengthen nails.
Biotin is another essential element for hair, also known as vitamin H or B7 and prevents greying and hair loss, is recommended for strengthening hair and nails and is usually found in many organic hair care products.

Tagged: organic beauty products, organic beauty components, organic lifestyle, coconut oil for skin, natural beauty products, organic skin care, organic body care.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Smoothie for Everybody

Often times we do need a little bit of boost to keep up with the "on the go life". And often times we turn to medication too easy and too fast when actually there are other ways to improve the quality of our life. 
In our journey for a healthy and organic lifestyle Real Style Organic Living gathered a few smoothies recipes that may become part of your daily routine.
Enjoy !

Mental Alert Smoothie:                                     Digestive Aid Smoothie:
2 green apples;                                                                2 green apples;
1 carrot;                                                                              2 carrots;
1 beetroot -medium size;                                            1/2 cucumber;
1 cup spinach;                                                                  1 rib of celery;
1/2 lemon;                                                                        1/2 inch ginger.
1/2 inch ginger.

Migraine Reliever Smoothie:                    Beautiful Skin Smoothie:    
1/2 cucumber;                                                           2 tomatoes;                                       
1 stick celery;                                                             1 small cucumber;                            
1/2 pineapple;                                                            2 heads of Romaine lettuce;          
3/4 kale leaves;                                                         2 cups purple cabbage.                
1/4 lemon;                                                                                                  
1/4 inch ginger.                                                                                           

Kidney Cleanse Smoothie:
2 green apples;
2 oranges;
1 bunch of asparagus;
1 cup cilantro;
1/2 lemon juice only;
1/4 inch ginger.

Tagged:smoothie recipe, healthy smoothie, organic life, organic living, mental alert smoothie, digestive aid smoothie, migraine reliever smoothie, beautiful skin smoothie, kidney cleanse smoothie.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Easy and Delicious Cranberry Sauce

As Canada is getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving day with gratitude and lots of good food we were thinking to bring to your attention another kind of cranberry sauce. We all use some cranberry sauce on our turkey meat, right? So why not try this year to make your own sauce rather then buying one that sits on the grocery stores' shelf for who knows how many years and is loaded with artificial preservatives to keep it edible for a looooong period of time.
Here is our easy and delicious cranberry sauce recipe:

  • 12 oz bag of fresh cranberries;
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar;
  • 1/3 cup white sugar (or palm tree sugar);
  • 3/4 cup fresh orange juice
  • Optional: 3 oz gold rum.
  • Optional: 1/2 cup fresh blueberries.
Place all ingredients  in a sauce pan and cook for about 15-20 minutes or until most of the liquid has reduced, stirring occasionally. The cranberries will start popping. For added sweetness and flavor you can add 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries. Remove from heat and cool completely. Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools. It can be prepared a few days in advance and stored in the fridge.
This cranberry sauce recipe will be your excuse to eat more turkey at this Thanksgiving day dinner party!

Real Style Organic wishes to all Canadian customers and friends a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Organic VS Anything Else

There are many ways of being organic, of embracing a sustainable and green lifestyle.
In our journey of promoting an organic living lifestyle we have found that being organic means a lot more then just eating organic. Of course food without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, GMO's and growth hormones is only the very first step on the way to a green and healthy living life.
Real Style Organic Living brings to your attention other important ways of moving to an organic lifestyle and the benefits associated with these changes.

1. Organic clothing and why we should embrace this option mainly for babies and children but not only.
2. Natural skin care products and the benefits of caring our skin with organic products.
3. Eco toys for the health benefit of our children and to give them the chance of a fair and safe start in their life.
4. Organic home décor as everything that surrounds us as our habitat environment is deeply affecting the quality of our life.
5. Organic cleaning and natural household products as an important part of our whole green and healthy living, to protect ourselves and our environment.

For full article about all these benefits of green and organic living please see here:


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Fall Colors from our Organic Collection

"Descending leaves fall to the ground,
Twirling, twisting, round and round,
Autumn season is almost here,
The smell of freshness is oh so near"
Autumn by Ryan Larkin

Fall is beautiful for so many reasons but mostly because of the colors. Here at Real Style Organic Living we put together a collage of organic products in the fall colors from our eco-friendly collection. Enjoy! 

Extremely soft and comfortable from organic cotton;
Designed for maximum comfort and fun;
Earth friendly color.

Bamboo Skirt Coral Orange
A silky soft blend of viscose from organic bamboo, organic cotton and a touch of spandex for an eco jersey that drapes lightly against the skin;
Simple yet functional can be worn as a top, skirt, wrap or just about anything you like;
Perfect for work, leisure time or after yoga classes;
Eco friendly & organic. 

Designed to become the favorite toy of your puppy, made from sturdy corduroy with a patch on his chest with a long-lasting squeaker safely sewn inside of a recycled polyfill.                                                                                                                 

Eco Yoga Mat
Safe, non-toxic materials, free of BPA, PVC, lead, Phthalates, dioxins and biologically toxic chemicals;
Keeps you steady in most demanding poses-high performance TPE material;
Increased thickness (5 mm) provides better support & comfort;
Increased water, sweat and bacteria resistance;
Free of latex and rubber.

Red Mango Wood Serving Set
Made from environmentally-friendly mango wood with food safe lacquer
Hand carved and finished by skilled artisans;
Honeycomb texture carved into the outer surface;
Perfect for indoor and outdoor dining.

Tagged: organic products, eco-friendly products, organic cotton t-shirt, eco yoga mat, bamboo skirt

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Natural Healthy Pets

Eating healthy and lots of exercise keep dogs in good health. But is it enough?
Just like humans, with age we need supplements to fill any gaps. If you are like me than probably you can’t resist those puppy eyes when you are eating and of course you treat them with a little piece of something. And there is nothing wrong in that because that it actually strengthen our relationship with our dog.

In order to keep our dogs as healthy as possible veterinarians recommend the use of dietary supplements.
Real Style Organic Living offers various natural supplements to maintain a good bone and joint health for an increased mobility and strength, natural products to optimize digestion, increase vitality, organic products for a healthy coat and natural repels of fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.
Natural products for pets offered are made from certified organic ingredients with natural flavors specially designed to keep dogs healthy.
Our Green Dog Natural Healthy Motion is a product created to take care of the joint health, to increase mobility and strength, based on glucosamine and a joint comfort natural blend and ocean source omegas for everyday healthy joints. The product is free of wheat, soy, corn, fillers and preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and refined sugars.
Please read the label and consult with your veterinary before administrating any supplements.
For more information or to purchase these products please visit 

"Saving a dog won't change the world. But for that dog, the world changes forever. Dogs are family."

Friday, 20 September 2013

Get Ready for Face Painting with Natural Paint

Is fall again! The season of harvesting, great veggies and fruits, trees turning to a variety of yellow, gold and red and pretty soon Halloween time! Who doesn't like Halloween night filled with excitement about the costumes, masks, face painting, about decorations and trick or treats? But how safe is the face paint you are buying from your party supply store? This year Real Style Organic Living is inviting you to try the natural face and body paint versus the chemical ones. Benefits?
-          non-toxic;
-          made with certified organic ingredients
-          free of heavy metals, parabens or animal products;
-          excellent face painting results;
-          easily removed with soap and water

The kit we are proposing contains 6 rich earth colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black and white along with 6 eco-friendly applicators-with corn resin handle and sponge.
Make the right choice and use natural face and body paint this year.

Happy face painting!


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Stylish Eco Yoga Wear Collection

Real Style Organic Living announced yesterday in the news about the new fall collection of organic yoga apparel.

Very chic, our new line of organic yoga wear is marking a new approach in the sportswear world and brings the attention of sporting clothes users to the possibility of choosing between synthetic wear and environmentally friendly materials. Organic cotton and bamboo are the materials that underlie these garments made in an attractive range of colors and designs. The collection includes short and long sport pants and leggings, T-shirts in various vivid colors, hoodies, tanks and tunics all in matching colors.
Real Style Organic Living invites you to experience the luxury of the incredibly soft, ultra cozy sportswear apparel and choose from the several designs of jeans style shorts and leggings, pants, tanks, sweaters, jackets providing extremely flattering silhouette and much more and see the difference for yourself. Once you try our eco-friendly, organic wear you may never want to go back to synthetics!
To shop this collection please visit:
For any question please contact us via email: or phone:1-888-494-6867