Monday, 1 December 2014

5 Great Ideas For DIY Green Holiday Decor

Is that time of the year again when every family is looking for new great ideas for holiday decorations.We were looking for some DIY projects for green holiday home decor and we would like to share with you our top findings:

1. Reuse old small bulbs with a little glitter and a nice vase (feel free to use any colors you like)

2. Recycle an old skate with a  little paint, red organza instead of laces, foam inside and your choice of decoration

3. Make a great impression with this DIY table centerpiece: upside-down wine glasses with few small ornaments and candles on top

4. Christmas tree decorations made from bottle caps with a bit of paint, imagination and a glittery ribbon (and lots of love)

 5. Other kind of creative Christmas tree made only from a few sets of lights on a wall and ornaments

These projects will bring you joy and excitement and a different approach to holidays decorations.
And don't forget: you can create your own and unique way to manifest the holidays spirit!

Tags: decorations; holiday decorations; diy decorations; green decorations; christmas tree on a wall;
painted tree decorations; diy snowmen.